About This Game DescriptionJoin Chloe and her friends in a journey to stop the evil vampires!Chloe finds out there is another race living among the mortals, what will she do now? Play and find it out!Adventure yourself in a journey full of action and joy! More games by Warfare Studioshttp://store.steampowered.com/app/337980http://store.steampowered.com/app/368250http://store.steampowered.com/app/362130 7aa9394dea Title: Blood TiesGenre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:Warfare StudiosPublisher:Warfare StudiosRelease Date: 21 Oct, 2016 Blood Ties Download Setup For Pc blood ties fallout 3 locate the family. blood ties hawaii 50. blood ties rotten tomatoes. blood ties tv show. blood ties series download. blood ties cgi. deception iv blood ties pc download. blood ties streaming english. blood ties 2007. blood ties in vr. blood ties whitehorse. blood ties parents guide. blood ties legendado download. blood ties diablo 3. blood ties ao3. blood ties locate the family fallout 3. blood ties walkthrough fallout 3. blood ties season 1 torrent. tomb raider blood ties ps4 walkthrough. fallout 3 blood ties quest locate the family. blood ties episodes. blood ties locate the family. blood ties episode 4. blood ties ost. blood ties fanfiction. blood ties 2009 full movie. blood ties quest dead island. tomb raider blood ties torrent. blood ties tv show watch online free. blood ties jd nixon. blood ties kay hooper summary. blood ties apk download. blood ties meaning in urdu. blood ties 53/54 relics. blood ties witcher 3. blood ties 2013 download. blood ties rise of the tomb raider safe code. freeride blood ties. deception iv blood ties ps3 torrent. blood ties jason london. blood ties season 2 episode 6. blood ties game download. blood ties urban dictionary. deception iv blood ties cheats. blood ties tv show cast. blood ties goodreads. blood and ties full movie eng sub. blood ties dead island. blood ties four directions. blood ties by zimkhitha mlanzeli. blood ties tanya huff. blood ties pc game. blood ties soundtrack youtube. deception iv blood ties ps vita torrent. blood ties where is the family. blood ties season 1 episode 2. blood ties episode 2. blood ties harry potter fanfiction. blood ties streaming eng. blood ties streaming saison 1. rise of the tomb raider blood ties dlc download. blood ties in. blood ties complete walkthrough. blood ties complete series. blood and ties download. blood ties archive of our own. blood ties 1x12. blood ties novel. blood ties s2 ep 8. watch blood ties free online. blood ties zone telechargement. blood ties naruto skyrim. blood ties henry. blood ties 3 season. blood ties ending. blood ties quest witcher 3. blood ties 5.rész. blood ties streaming serie. blood ties heather burnside. blood ties dlc download. blood ties online subtitrat. blood ties marvel. blood ties buffy. blood ties season 1 episode 8. blood ties documents. blood ties achievements tomb raider. korzus ties of blood full album. blood and ties full movie online free. blood ties band. blood ties hidden object game I love RPG Maker games and usually give very positive reviews.However this game may be the only exception so far.The last boss, Gendall, is overpowered and cannot be killed.I played this game from beginning to end and took me more than 7 hours.Most of the combat is easy, but the final boss is terribly overpowered and impossible to kill.I keep grinding all my team until they are at an extremely high level of 36.I equiped my guys with the best gears in the game.I do every single quests possible.I explore every single map and pick up every item to make sure that I did not miss anything.When I reach the final boss, he used Shockwave and paralyzed either 3\/4 or 4\/4 of my team.Then he used Plague and kill all my team.I have replayed the final battle more than 10 times, but there is no way to kill the boss.Have there been any testing and balancing done with the final boss?I do not recommend this game if there is and balancing problem and there are no ways to kill the final boss.. Very confusing maps. Long cutscenes and sequences. Terrible plot.. So this is an RPGMaker game by Warfare Studios. As with others of their catalog, this game involves vampires. Apparently, vampires have been hidden in this world, and had made a truce to help keep the peace... well, one of the Vampire leaders has decided she does not like these lesser creatures and wants to go out for bloodletting (and drinking). And Chloe, the protagonist, gets swept up with those of the Church and the vampires that do not want this truce to end...Anyway, standard save the world fare.. This game is a decent RPG. However I would wait until it's on sale.. As always, I've completed the whole game. This is a typical jRPG, where a bunch of heroes ( here squad contains 4 characters ) are traveling to complete quests. Game is short, completing whole took me ~ 7 hours, so you will not have a lot of gameplay as a typical one. For me, the game wasn't challenging at all. Heroes level up fast, normal opponents aren't challenging, bosses might have been, but there is a safety crystal healing your whole team before fight. Since there is no tutorial, you use Space as action key \/ action confirmed, 'X' button for cancel and arrows to select target. Story was OK for me, but it's a typical one. However, soundtrack is strong point of this game. I would recommend it only to people which didn't play jRPG's before and want to try out this kind of games.. It pained me to play through this game. I played another game recently called Oswald's Adventure which was pretty bad, but this game fixed quite a number of those, but it did several cardinal sins of RPG's that are so blatantly awful that this should not have seen the light of day. What do I mean by cardinal sins well let me list them for you:I) The game's story is paper thin. And often times whenever it tries to build more upon the world within the game it creates a bigger plot hole than there was originally. This will be brought up further in later points.II) Every single dungeon is basically a hallway crawler, there are VERY few side paths, and there are no extra dungeons in the entire game. Meaning each dungeon whether its a forest, another forest, a cave, a swamp, a mountain pass (that's the exact same tile set as a forest), a castle, or a tower, you feel EXTREMELY railroaded. Making it seem like far less of an rpg than it shouldIII) The enemies even from starting out usually take 2-3 physical attacks from a character (even your big strong warrior Ven) to kill. And this is a consistent trend throughout the ENTIRE GAME. You will rarely one shot enemies except for Ven, unless you are constantly using your skills, which will be brought up later.IV) You are very rarely ever given chests with good equipment in them, or opportunities to buy equipment. They all feel too spaced out. To the point it feels rather disjointed power wise.V) This is the biggie, the game requires you to backtrack through nearly every dungeon in the game. There are a few which you have to backtrack through 2-4 times! This is the primary way this game pads its runtime. Most rpgmaker games allow a 'quickjump' through an area unless that area you are going through a second time has new story progress within it. This game does not do that and could probably be a 2-3 hr tale instead of a 5 hour tale in that case.VI) There is no sprint button, need I go on?VII) Chloe who is classified as your rogue, learns primary offensive fire 'spells' making her seem like she should have been a mage or something.VIII) Lastly Chloe learns a screen nuke move relatively early (like lv 12) called fire storm this move makes all enemy mooks obsolete, one use wipes out pretty much any enemy party if you are lvled properly, or leaves them with a paltry sum of health.IX) The final boss is a bit of an\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 which completely ruins most of the feel of the game. The screen nuke he has can both poison and silence, do half your health and if he mutes most of your characters especially your healer you are kind of screwed. It's worse that there is no accessory that makes you immune to silence. There is for poison, paralyze, sleep, and one other status, but not silence.So simply put avoid this game.. A good simple game- reminds me a lot of Jade's Journey-worth playing just for fun. I love the old JRPGs. Explore the world, grind your party members because the next enemy is just a little bit too strong.And of course find hidden treasure chests. And if the story and\/or the characters are interesting....its pure bliss.Well, that said this game is nothing from the above.The story could be interesting....I mean vampires saving the world.At no did i feel a connection to my characters. Even an live changing encounter is told without any emotions. Sad. But whats about exploring and all the other things?Forget it! This is the most linear game you could find. Yes, you may see towns or castles on your journey. But you must first finish this or that and than you can enter. And funny every place looks the same (RPGMaker standard?). Every place, even the dungeons. There is nothing hidden. You see a chest..take it. No secrets. In dungeons the only variety is that each dungeon has some crossroads. One leads to the next part, at the end of the other you'll find a chest.And its getting more boring...the enemies!!! Each dungeon, castle....has 2 sets of enemies. You'll see them as clouds.And after running into them the fight starts. A very boring fight. Because early on your main character learns an area spellthat kills all enemies. And because mana potions (and all the other stuff like weapons) are cheap you don't need to be economical with your mana.Sorry, but there are better free RPGMaker games around than this one...even for such a low price I can't recommend it.. RPGMAKER FUNNY GAME ORIGINAL CONCEPT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Game is good Can be improved,Classic RPG game and fair storyIt lacks Some Details hopefully will be added soon.(Item Level requriements and etc)Anyways Still a nice game
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